Pioneer of sustainable healthy dog food

Aliments pour chiens issus d'une longue tradition

Aliments pour animaux Goood

Des ingrédients crus aux aliments pour chiens premium élaborés, de nombreuses étapes de préparation sont nécessaires. Pour te montrer comment nous travaillons, nous présentons ici notre processus de fabrication.

Veggie Adult

  • Delicious vegetarian dry food 
  • With superfoods such as spinach and sea buckthorn 
  • Very well tolerated, even for sensitive dogs 

Snack Time!

  • Our new soft and meat gooodies 
  • Soft Gooodies with high-quality insect protein 
  • Grain-free Meat Snacks with 80% organic duck meat 

Sustainable free-range chicken

  • Every kilo of Goood free-range chicken contains 700g of fresh chicken meat before drying
  • Certified free-range farming with plenty of exercise and exclusively natural feed

Sustainable free-range lamb

  • Tasty wet food with animal welfare guarantee
  • With regional parsnip and hemp seeds
  • Supports joints and metabolism